Instructions for Sedation

When undergoing sedation or general anesthetic, it is very important that you follow your post-and pre-procedure instructions closely. Well before any procedure requiring general anesthesia, our anesthetist will review your medical history to ensure that you are a candidate for general anesthesia.

Pre-Surgery Arrangements

You must make arrangements for a responsible adult to drive you home after your surgery. You will not be allowed to leave on your own or drive yourself home afterwards.

Have an adult stay with your from the time your surgery is completed until the next morning.

If you are from out of town and are staying in Winnipeg the night before surgery, please call the office and notify them with the phone number in Winnipeg where you can be reached.

Before Surgery

Please arrive at our office at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled surgery.

Do not eat or drink anything (water included) for 8 hours prior to your surgery.

Please take any pills that you normally take with a small sip of water, unless you've been told not to.

Ask your physician or our team for instructions on medications for diabetes or blood thinners.

Your escort must be prepared to stay in our office until you are ready to leave (approximately 1 hour after your surgery is scheduled).

Please leave your valuables and jewelry at home.

On Arrival for Surgery

You will be required to sign a consent form. If you are under the age of 18 (unless married) a parent or guardian must accompany you to your appointment to sign a surgical consent form.

Prior to surgery, you will speak with the anesthetist who will review your medical history and discuss your anesthetic care with you.

Once in the operating room, an intravenous (IV) will be started and monitoring equipment (blood pressure cuff, EKG) will be attached for your safety.

Directly After Surgery

After surgery you will be moved to the Recovery Room where a post-anesthetic nurse specialist will monitor you and you until you are cleared to go home.

Your surgery will take approximately 30 minutes and your recovery time will take approximately 45 minutes. Accordingly, we have asked you to make arrangements for an escort to be here approximately 1 hour after you go in for surgery. This will allow them to be here when you are ready to go home.

Post-operative instruction will be given to you before you leave. Please follow these instructions carefully. Any necessary prescriptions for analgesics (pain-killers) or antibiotics will be given to you (or your escort) and the nurse will go over any instructions needed.

24 Hours after Anesthesia

The drugs used to put you to sleep may stay in your body for up to 24 hours. They will slow your judgment and reaction time. For 24 hours after surgery,

  • do not drink alcohol
  • do not smoke as it may cause you to feel faint or dizzy
  • do not drive a car, or operate machinery or power tools
  • do not make important decisions or sign legal papers.

Payment Information

Professional fees are due in full upon your arrival for surgery.

Patients with preauthorizations from dental insurance companies are also required to pay their fees in full on the day of surgery and they will be reimbursed directly from their insurance companies.

Payments must be made either by cash, certified cheque, money order, Visa, MasterCard, or Debit card. We do not accept personal cheques.

If you have dental insurance please remember to bring in either your completed dental form or all of the necessary insurance numbers for our office to submit your claim form directly for reimbursement.

Our Professional Standards

The Panorama Oral Surgery surgical-anesthetic facility is bound by the highest standards of the Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons, and the Manitoba Dental Association.

The anesthesia service is provided by experienced, certified anesthesiologists on staff at the major Winnipeg Hospitals. The nurses providing your care have extensive experience and are caring people. The anesthetic equipment is comparable to the same equipment used in our hospitals today.

Our goal is to provide you with a safe and comfortable surgical anesthetic treatment. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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